Session Information

Session Types

Horse & Rider

Starting at $315

Photos truly do last a lifetime. Create a session of your own with your horse(s) that you can cherish for years to come. Perfect for your horse-y school senior, families, or just because.

Fine Art

Starting at $340

Black or white background images focusing on your horse's personality and good looks. Capture the details as well as full shots of your perfect equine.

Sales & Conformation

available at $395

Riding, lunging, and in-hand images of your athlete looking their best. Perfect for sale ads to catch a buyer's eye or just for you to show off your sport-horse or stud's looks.

Please include which shoot you are interested in, if applicable!


"Kristen is wonderful all around photographer! She has been taking our family's and our mare's portraits for several years. She is kind and professional, she understands horses and even more so people..."

- Diane J.